How many types of dispatchers are there?

There are different categories of dispatchers, such as:
- Those in charge of handling emergency calls, dispatching emergency services, and liaising with first responders are known as emergency dispatchers.
2. Police, fire, and ambulance services are dispatched by public safety dispatchers, who are employed by law enforcement agencies.
3. Transport Dispatchers are in charge of sending out buses, trains, and other types of vehicles.
4. Telecommunications dispatchers are in charge of organising and sending out repair personnel to fix communication equipment and lines.
5. To guarantee safe and effective air traffic operations, air traffic control dispatchers are in charge of coordinating with pilots and other air traffic control employees.
There may be other specialised positions in particular businesses, but these are some of the typical dispatcher duties.
To handle all these function you can use Dispatcher Software that build out overall management and manage your operational tasks.c